Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bringing Pick Your Path Books to E-Readers

When e-readers came out, it seemed that choose your own adventure style books would be an obvious choice.  Rather than having to go to a certain page that corresponds with your choice, you simply press a button.  It would be the book version of a video game.

It turns out, it wasn’t that easy.  Since there are no page numbers in e-readers, one cannot program the book to go to a certain page.  It has to be programmed in.

I met some people online who were making a program for this, and I joined them in creating content to go into their application.  Since I’m building on the Relic Worlds universe, I made three books that followed Lancaster and Little Jack.  The program turned out to be a failure for several reasons, but I had put so much time and effort into these, I didn’t want it all to go to waste.  So I set about finding a way to make them work with e-readers.

At first it was beyond me.  Their program had been quite complicated; an entire app dedicated to choose your own adventure style books.  I needed a programmer, or at least a pre-made template.  I looked high and low and couldn’t find anything.  The answer seemed so close, yet so far away.

Then I was talking with a friend of mine, Brent McKibbin, who’s a bit of a tech genius, and he said it was pretty simple.  All it took was making the various pages you needed to go to into chapter numbers.

You see, all e-readers have a table of contents page.  Each entry has a link to its corresponding chapter.  So you already have linking pages from there.  In a choose your own adventure style book, all you need to do is put those links in the choices readers make.

The first step, of course, was to create the choose your own adventure.  (I call mine Pick Your Path to avoid copyright infringement.)  I will be posting a blog with a link here at a later time going into detail about how I lay out and create a choose your own adventure style book.

Second, I lay it all out on the pages.  After every list of choices I have a page break.  At the start of every segment, I have a new page number.  I do not put page numbers on every page.  This makes finding them easier.  After writing the segment, I place the choices, providing the page numbers they correspond with.  This will, of course, become the paperback version, as the page numbers and choices with the page numbers will correspond correctly to a physical version of the book.  (Note, only place page breaks after choices.  Never place page breaks anywhere else.

Third, I select the first sentence of every segment and make it a chapter heading.  (I’ll put the technical aspects of this in another blog and connect it here.)  I title each chapter heading after its corresponding page number.  (Leave the page numbers there for now.)

Fourth, at every choice, I select the choice and link it to the page number it’s supposed to go to.  I then delete the page number listed after the choice.  (But I still leave the page numbers at the tops of every page.)

Fifth, When I have gone through and linked every choice with a page, I then delete every page number from the tops of every page.  Now, when a reader reads my book, they’ll go through the beginning, then reach the point where there are choices and it’ll stop.  The choices will be highlighted, and when the reader touches one of them, it’ll take them to that choice.

At this point, readers will be able to swipe to the next page past the choices.  This can be left there with an explanation at the beginning that readers aren’t supposed to do this.  However, it can be blocked through technical means.  This is a bit more complicated, which I’ll go into in the technical entry.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Early Vlogbrothers

I've been going through the history of the Vlogbrothers videos.  I think their work is important to study for anyone doing independent work in any field, (although, ironically, John Green has been critical of self-publishing, which I think is a bit hypocritical since his success is due largely to independent video production.  But I guess that's TOTALLY different.)

Anyway, so I've gotten through all of 2007 when they began, and I started 2008.  It's interesting to note the number of viewers for each.  Though they run one of the most popular shows on Youtube, some of them don't have a huge number of viewers, particularly in these middle years when they didn't have a huge amount of attention yet, and they're not the beginning that people go back to see for nostalgic reasons.  But here is one that's a spike.  I find these spikes interesting because they show something that people have looked for or stumbled upon for whatever reason.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Narrating your own book

When I decided to do my own audiobook, I dove in head first.  I didn't think it would take a really long time, so I set up my booth the way my neighbor instructed, (he was a sound engineer for Tower Records,) and started going.  It took me a year and a half to complete, (much of it being in editing, taking out my stammers.)

When I was finally ready to upload, I came across Audibles advice for authors preparing to narrate their own work.  I wish I had seen it earlier.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Going to be in Nebraska for a Couple Weeks

I'm going to Nebraska for a couple weeks to do some signings, talking, teaching, and even take place in an 1800s period base ball game!  Here are the dates:

Friday, October 10 - 9:00 am - On the radio on Friday Live on NET radio, being interviewed by the great Genevieve Randall.

Saturday, October 11 - 1:30 - 3:00 - Appearance at A Novel Idea.  I will be signing copies of The American Game and Relic Worlds, and will be beginning to take pre-orders for the upcoming Two Gun Hart, which is due out next March.

Sunday, October 12 - 1:00 - ??? - Signing copies of The American Game at Arbor Lodge in Nebraska City.  I'll also probably take part in the vintage base ball game taking place on the yard.

Friday, October 17 - 1:00 - 2:30 - Speaking at the OLLI at UNL.  Taking place at NET.

Sunday, October 19 - 1:00 - ??? - I'll be at Bennett Martin Library for the 12th Victim talk.  (I actually won't be speaking at this one, but it should be an interesting event that I recommend everyone go to.)

Putting Together an Audio Book

Audible now distributes independently published audiobooks, which is great news for us independent authors.  Now all we need to do is read our books into a microphone to distribute them, right?

Turns out, it’s a bit harder than that; at least for those of us who have a bad stammer and aren’t used to acting.

The first thing we did was made my computer cabinet into a mini studio.  My neighbor at the time I did this happened to be a semi-professional recording artist.  Though I didn’t have a recording studio, I have doors on my cabinet that can be closed in around me, and when he put blankets on each door and above me, the recording into a mic in front of my screen looked great.  I read the book off the monitor as I spoke just above the microphone.  (Staying above it reduces pops; as does having a sock over the microphone.

Reading wasn’t so difficult; although I struggled with my mild form of dyslexia, stumbling over my words constantly.  I would have to fix it in post.  This involved going through after I was completely done and cutting every point where I stammered.  Recording took weeks, but post took months; so much so that the entire process took me more than a year and a half.  Now I know why audiobooks are so expensive.

I had done this one myself instead of getting an actor because I wanted to see the whole process.  (Also, for some reason, when I started it I thought it would go faster that way.  And I’m in the book, so I figured it would sound better when I said “I” to actually be the one speaking.)  I learned partway through that you can go to Audible and hook up with a reader through them.  Audible even splits the profits between you.  That’s what I will be doing from now on.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Researching Pro Bono

When researching my first non-fiction book, Pro Bono, I had a slightly unfair advantage.  I was starting with a story that my family has been involved with for decades.  I drew from stories I had grown up with, some of which I had lived through.  And a large amount of it came when I was doing a small documentary about my family.  It just happened to be when my grandmother was diagnosed with a fatal tumor, and everyone from the family flocked into town.  I never finished the documentary, but I did get a very thorough record of everyone, especially my grandfather, who everyone worshipped.

This was a baseline.  But I needed to be fair in the story.  This was about a controversial story that my grandfather happened to be wrapped up in.  I needed to do as much as possible to be objective, and see the opposite side’s point of view.

The first thing I did, as I do with most of my books, and all my non-fiction works, is I broke it into chapters.  I thought of what made appropriate breaks in the story, and I started each chapter at these points.  I determined the basic concept of each, then wrote down all the information that I would need for them.  By each piece of information, I wrote down every source I could think of for it.  I then approached those sources.

When it comes to a case that’s nearly 60 years old, it’s hard to get first-hand accounts.  Usually, you have to go to people who were assistants, or the children of one of the people.  Each time, I tried to get any documentation they had, such as phots or records.  Luckily, one of the most important people, Ninette Beaver, (who was a reporter that followed the story from beginning to end and even wrote a book about it,) was still alive and was able to tell me a lot about her experiences and what she saw.  I also got the only remaining copy of her documentary Growing Up in Prison.  It was on a format of tape that no longer exists, and there are only a couple places in the world that could even transfer it.  It was expensive, but worth the price as it was a piece of Nebraska history.  (I later placed this documentary on Youtube and have so far gotten more than 10,000 views.)

Perhaps the most important aspect of getting the story straight and unbiased was going to the Nebraska Historical Society where I was able to look at the original trial transcripts.  Purchasing this was, again, expensive, but well worth it, as it’s the only record of a case of great historic significance.  It’s also lucky, as most cases do not have their records preserved so well.

The problem at this point was I had the microfilm, but no way to look at it.  The best way to be able to would be to have it on PDF.  That meant scanning each page at the library and saving it as a JPEG, then combining them all into one big PDF… All 1,000 + pages.  I was luckily on unemployment at the time, so I went to the library for a full week, 40 hours, and scanned one page after another.  It was one of the most tedious things I ever did, but I got the entire thing on PDF.  I placed the first hundred pages on a website and offered to send it to anyone who wanted to see it so people could check my book for accuracy.  I then made sure to include this public record in the book in several chapters.

It took a lot more bringing together of several sources than I thought it would, but it was worth it.  On that book, more than any other, I want to be able to show everyone my sources, because I’m claiming that someone who many think was guilty was actually innocent.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The American Game Free on Kindle This Weekend

The American Game will be available for free on Kindle this weekend as part of a KDP Select promotion.  It will be available for free on the Kindle from Friday, September 26, until Tuesday, September 30.  It can be found at:


It may seem counter-intuitive to give away one's books for free, but each download counts as a sale, and if there are enough, it can get onto the best sellers list, at least in its category.  This helps with exposure, which leads to even more sales.  So regardless of whether or not you're going to read the book, I hope you'll download it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

All My Blogs

I’m going to be brutally honest here.  I don’t particularly like blogging.  Actually, I like the theory of it.  In fact, I love the fact that it gives a voice to everyone to say what they believe; and I don’t buy the idea that it merely creates rumors while “legitimate” newspapers and magazines tell the truth.  They are owned and controlled by corporate backers who tell them what to say, so they’re as much rumor mongering as any blog.  A reader merely has to judge how much integrity a given source has.

For me, though, I’m so busy creating books and games that I don’t have time for a blog.  And you’re expected to write something at least once a week to get noticed.  However, I’ve been told, and have noticed this to be true, that people tend to not notice you unless you have a blog.

And so I write.  And now, in my usual fashion of over-doing it, I’ve created multiple blogs.  I’m a person who’s torn in many directions, and I create projects for every interest.  It’s spread me a bit thin, and perhaps I should drop some, but every time I think of it, it’s like Sophie’s Choice.  Which of my children could I really let go?

And so I keep them, and I have a blog for every one of them.  All but one of them, the Dice Depot, are mine.  I do the Dice Depot for Ric Wickham, who has a fantastic game site.  Here they are listed:

Bandwagon Books

Jeff McArthur

Relic Worlds

Tales of a Failed Filmmaker

I also have Facebook groups for these, and my projects Command Combat Battle Reports and Geo-Hunters, plus, of course, Twitter accounts.  Accchhh!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bloggers Who Have Forgotten Their Roots

As I’ve tried to get my books spoken about and reviewed by bloggers, I’ve come across the same problem so many times:  Signs on the blogging websites that say they will not take any self-published books.  They review or write only about traditionally published books.

I’ve got a little piece of news for all you bloggers who say that.  YOU ARE SELF PUBLISHED!!!!

Yes, that’s right.  As you’re sitting there behind your keyboard all holier than thou, taking only the “legitimately” published books, you are forgetting that one basic fact.  You are not in a magazine, a periodical, or any other “legitimate,” or “traditionally” published manuscript.  You are SELF-FUCKING-PUBLISHED!!!

I have been rejected by magazines, radio stations, and television stations.  While I’m disappointed, I’m not surprised and I don’t hold it against them.  They have a world of their own, and they want to stick to it.  I hope they’ll open themselves up to us independents, (and some of them have,) but if they don’t, they’re merely sticking to their kind.

You bloggers who won’t talk about or review self-published works are downright hypocrites.

If we have to be traditionally published to be good enough for you, why shouldn’t you have to be traditionally published in a magazine in order to be good enough for us?

I have made a determination, and I call on everyone to do the same.  Whenever I look at blogs, even if I’m not in any way considering sending my books to them, I take a look at their submission policy.  If the blogger refuses to have anything to do with self-published works, either for stories, reviews, or whatever, I tag that blog and never return.  I also make it a point to tell people not to go to that blog.

Now, to be clear, this is not the same as being personally rejected by a blog.  If there’s a blog which rejects me, but they take independently published works, I’ll strive to rise to their level and hope they’ll accept me in the future.  I’ll even recommend the site.

But if you reject self-published, independently published books and you’re a blogger, then I’m sorry, but I only read traditionally published magazines.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Doing a Free Kindle Promotion of The American Game in Two Weeks

The American Game will be free on Kindle for five days beginning on September 26 and running through September 30th.  To prepare for this, I'm alerting several sites, including:

Pixel of Ink
Kindle Nation Daily
Ereader News Today
Digital Book Today
Book Gorilla

I'm also posting it on all my social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Google +.  I'll also be telling every Civil War, history, and baseball group I can find.

In the past, I've separated my free days, having 2 early in the 90 days of KDP Select, and 3 near the end.  That way I can learn from the first.  This time I wanted to make sure I got some reviews first, then just had them all at once.  I'm hoping it will build in numbers downloading it as I would like to get it into the hands of as many people as possible.

This is a story I have been more concerned gets out there to the public than on having a huge profit.  While I believe this is a story that will appeal toa  large audience, I spent so much time on it over 20 years that no amount of money can make up for it.  I'd like this to build my reputation, and just to be seen.  I love this story; I always have.  I'll update this page to say how well my efforts are going.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I’m Concerned for Geek and Nerd Culture

In so many ways, this is the best time to be a nerd.  When I was growing up, the title of geek or nerd was an insult, a degradation, a put down.  Now we live in a world where Weird Al Yankovich is a number one top seller, and geek culture has entered the mainstream.  It’s even popular to call yourself a nerd.

And that’s where my concern lies.

Any time something becomes popular, people want to emulate it, even if they don’t care about it.  It becomes all about conformity.  Comic Con is a great example.  Once a hive for those of us who enjoy stories that were off the beaten path, it’s now become the place for the mainstream to come see celebrities.

We don’t want to exclude anyone, of course, but it does seem less than genuine when Entertainment Tonight and their wannabes are hash tagging themselves as “total nerds” when they’ve really just followed fad after fad, and they will leave when this one fades.

But my concern runs deeper still.  To me, one of the major definitions of nerd and geek culture was giving a chance to the more alternative art forms.  While everyone else was following Debbie Gibson and Tiffany and whatever nameless movies were the latest fads in the late ‘80s, I was reading The Dark Knight, watching Indiana Jones, and listening to Weird Al.  What was the common string in all these things and others I was into?  They broke new ground.  Only Spike Jones had done anything remotely close to Weird Al.  Indiana Jones was an entirely new invention; it wasn’t based on books or old TV shows.  And even The Dark Knight, though it was based on Batman who had been around for 40 years, it was an entirely new take on him, and superheroes in general.  The entire genre has blossomed from that.

The point is, we were willing to try new things.  That’s really what made a “nerd” or a “geek” more than something being cerebral or fantasy-oriented.  Today, however, it seems as though few self-proclaimed nerds and geeks are willing to try anything new.  They are stuck repeating the same things over and over.  For instance, I took my new series Relic Worlds to the Indiana Jones fan club at Comic Con.  It’s inspired by the series, and has elements of Lucas’s other great creation, Star Wars.  Those movies caused me to grow up and want to do something new, though similar.  Instead of giving it a try, the fan club showed no interest.  What would have happened if our parents had given the same chance to Raiders of the Lost Arc in 1980?  If, instead of giving a chance to this new movie by these aspiring filmmakers, they were too busy obsessing over something nearly 35 years old?  If they had been like current fans, they would have been so busy obsessing over something from 1945 that Raiders would have been a failure, and would not exist today in the lexicon of great adventure movies.

And the same is true across the board.  It’s the reason why Hollywood and publishers are obsessing on toys from the past.  It’s not that there aren’t good ideas out there.  I know of many authors and filmmakers who are striving to be heard; and many of them are in the areas that geek and nerd culture would love.  But people are so obsessed with what’s in the past they’re not willing to give a chance to what’s in the present.

So this is a call to all nerds and geeks out there.  Find your roots.  And by that, I don’t mean your old comic books and toys still in their wrappers.  I mean, remember that what made all the things you enjoy from the past famous is because people gave them a chance.  And there are new works that are equally great just waiting to be found.  Give them a chance.  Stop looking backward all the time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I’ve Decided to Independently Publish Two Gun Hart

It’s now official.  I will be independently publishing Two Gun Hart, the story of Al Capone’s long lost brother who was a Prohibition officer in Nebraska.  I was very torn about this, seeing positives in both traditional publishing and independently publishing.  The decision was ultimately decided for me by others.

I had been weighing the benefits of both decisions for a while.  Traditional publishing gets one into traditional bookstores, and provides a lot of publicity.  I was hoping not only to get publicity for this, but to make the connections I could use for independently published books later.  The benefits of independently publishing would include having control over it and making sure it’s done correctly.  Plus, I will not have to wait for several years to get it out there, which could prove important as I want to make sure it’s released while certain members of the family are still with us.

I wanted to at least see my options.  Publishers refuse to look at it without an agent, so I looked around, gathered information, got connections through friends, etc., and sent it out to more than 50 agents.  I waited for each to get back to me.  A few did.  Several told me they would do it if it was about Al rather than Richard.  A couple were more blatant.  They said they don’t want to do a story about an Italian American unless he’s a gangster.  These racist statements really showed me where their interests were.

Finally, I got my last rejection.  I could go after others.  There are agents out there that don’t advertise being interested in this sort of story, but I don’t see the point of trying that.  It’s strange, because every person I show this idea to is blown away by it.  The agents are the only ones who don’t get it.  It’s their loss, but it’s also sort of the public’s loss, as it will be harder for me to promote it on my own.

I have determined to go for pre-sales.  When one does that, every sale that is made over several months counts as sales in a single day.  That makes it more likely to reach a top seller list.  Every interview I go on and every place I speak, I will be telling about this book, encouraging people to go out right away and buy this as an e-book.  As long as everyone who wants it buys at that time, we’ll have a chance, and the regular publishers will simply have to stand back and watch as they see the sales that could have been theirs.  They will complain, as usual, about how e-books are unfairly taking from them, and they long for the “good old days,” but it’s their own damn fault.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Relic Worlds - Lancaster James and the Search for the Promised World trailer

I released the trailer for my book Lancaster James and the Search for the Promised World this weekend, and I have never had so many problems with Youtube.  First, when I uploaded it, Youtube gave only three options for gray screens as thumbnails.  This was never corrected.  Of course, they have no call in customer service, so writing to them takes weeks to get an answer, and it's always more questions at first, followed by answers which you've already tried.  Any time I've dealt with Google customer service it's taken months to solve what would have taken ten minutes on the phone.

After several more problems on Youtube, I have tried to post it here on Blogger, and for some reason it won't recognize this specific video.  It's really bizarre.  It's almost as though this video is cursed.  So the best I can do to show it off is to place a link here.


Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Big Decision to Make

After a couple weeks of not posting, this week I’m going to post something similar to what I wrote a while ago.  The reason for this is less laziness, (though I am a bit lazy right now,) and more because it’s a very serious decision I need to make.

After approaching more than 50 agents to try to get an upcoming book published through a traditional publisher, I had finally given up and was willing to accept that this book would be published independently as well.  I had been wanting to do this one traditionally so that I could connect with a lot of places that I couldn’t connect with on my own.  But now it was looking like it would be added to my collection of independently published books, and was making plans.

Then one single agent wrote to me and showed some interest.  I’m not sure how interested they are, as their emails have seemed pretty indifferent, but they’ve at least been wanting to take a look at more and more of the book.  So I’ve been sending it to them bit by bit.  I have meanwhile been making plans to independently publish it, so now I’m left with a dilemma.  If they say they want to represent me, should I accept it and go with them, or should I go independently anyway.  Here are the pluses and minuses of each.

Traditional Publishing:
Positives – There are two basic positives to publishing traditionally.  First, the publishers provide promotions.  Second, they get your book into places you can’t get them; namely bookstores.  They have connections at all of these places and send out regular catalogues from which materials are ordered.  These are too numerous for us to do on our own, and when we do contact them, they usually turns us down because we’re not traditional publishers.  This is true both of bookstores and promotional places, such as television and radio stations.
Negatives – To get to a publisher, you have to first sign with an agent.  While you do research on an agent and try to get one you can trust, it’s difficult to know for certain until you’ve already signed with them whether they’re going to do right by you, and by that time it’s too late to turn around and do it yourself.  There’s also no guarantee they’ll actually send it to publishers.  They could just sit on your book because it competed with one of their other books, and they didn’t want it out there in the market, or they might change their mind and not do anything with it for whatever reason.  Then there’s the possibility that even though they do pitch it to publishers, the publishers decide they don’t want it, and then you’re completely stuck, because the agent still has exclusive rights of the book, but it’s not getting published.  And in the end, either the agent or the publisher could decide that you need to revise it in ways you don’t want to revise it, and if you don’t, they still have the rights to it, and you’re not getting published.  And then, even if it is published, it could take two years or more to actually get onto the shelves.

Independent Publishing:
                Positives – Full control.  This is especially important with this piece because it’s about a family that really wants to make sure their ancestor is well represented.  Also, there are multiple places that might want to make this into a movie, and if I get it published soon, they might be serious about that.  If I wait too long, they might lose interest.
                Negatives – A lot of people close their doors to independent publishing.  It’s not right, but they do it.  Many bookstores won’t carry it; even independent bookstores, (go figure.)  As for promotions, many, many radio and TV stations won’t cover you.  Even many blogs, which are independently published themselves, won’t cover your book.  And even those radio and TV stations that criticize corporations and claim to support independent artists, (like the Colbert Report,) won’t even consider independently published books.

So there you go.  That’s my dilemma.  I don’t know which direction I’m going to go.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Learning Hashtags

I have to admit something.  I hate hashtags.  I find them incredibly annoying.  First, it’s the fact that the person has finished what they’re saying, yet they’re still repeating words from their statement, which I find a bit odd.  Then there’s the motivation behind it.  It’s a blatant call to “look at me!”  I’ve been really enjoying Jimmy Fallon’s parodies of hashtags on Late Night, and I have several times placed up parody hashtags as a way to make fun of them.

However, in the world of promoting your work, and by extension yourself, you have to do it.  I have a wonderful social media person helping me out with Relic Worlds right now named Tricia.  She has been showing me the value of these hashtags.  By posting my images and various activities, she’s shown me how to get attention to my projects.  The most important aspect of these posts has been the hashtags.  The reason is because it connects the post to other people who have used hashtags on their posts.  So when someone clicks on their hashtag, they see my post, and vice versa.

One problem with this is that, with so many people marketing themselves, or just going “look at me!” there are a lot of hashtags that do not relate to what they’re saying.  For instance, you’ll have a picture of a tank and put #scifi, then when you click on it you’ll see someone at the beach with that hashtag; someone who’s just trying to get people to look at her.  It has nothing to do with science fiction.

Posts like this have really devalued the hashtag, and it makes me wonder how much longer this craze will last.  I feel as though it’s a fad, but I also felt that way about Twitter, so what do I know?  For now, I guess I’ll be doing it myself, but I feel quite dirty.

#writing #author #selfpublishing #Jimmyfallon #scifi #beachbum #hashtags #sellout #Ifeelsodirty

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The American Game is Released After 18 Years

I have finally finished and released my book The American Game after 18 years of working on it.  I first began this journey back in 1996 pitching the concept to a production company that made TV movies.  At first I only wanted to pitch the concept and move on to other things, but I slowly got sucked into it until I found myself the writer and producer of it championing it in draft after draft after draft; bouncing between studios and production companies.  There were hundreds of actors, (many of them well-known actors,) who saw it, many of whom said they wanted to be part of it.  But I couldn't get it funded.  It was at one point even listed as one of the best movies never made, a list in Hollywood of scripts that are really good, but can't find their funding.

A few years ago, I finally gave up when the production company who made Crash basically scammed me into spending a bunch of money and time to put together a proposal that they didn't intend to consider.  I was so devastated from that blow that I dropped out of the game, and finally decided to do it as a movie.

It was odd the way this story affected people in Hollywood.  It was very much like the ring in Lord of the Rings.  They got obsessed with it and their evil sides came out.  I, too, am not proud of everything I did when trying to get this movie made.  Yet, despite everyone's efforts, it never got made.

The story is about a series of base ball games that take place between enemy soldiers during the American Civil War.  I often pitched this story along with several others, and everyone always picked this one, even if it didn't fit what they did, or were capable of doing.  They always told me it was perfect as it was, then had me rewrite the script to their desires over and over and over.  Most of the time these changes were based on egos and power trips, making alterations that didn't improve it, but worked out some issue they were dealing with.  In the end, I wrote 119 drafts.

In the book, I shed everything everyone else said and wrote the story I wanted to write.  What has emerged is what I hope is a powerful and moving story, but that will be for the readers to judge.  It is, at times, a bit hard to get through, I'll admit, as I did not want to hold back on some of the realities of the time.

In particular, racism and slavery is approached in a very blunt fashion, as is the culture of the South.  I'm concerned that people may interpret the narrative as being harsh, or even racist, when, in fact, it's meant to just not gloss over what existed at the time.  I make an attempt to be clear, particularly in the end, that slavery and the racism it was a part of, (and still is,) are some of the greatest evils of this nation's history; but I didn't want to do it from a 21st century politically correct point of view.  I wanted the culture to be played realistically for its time, and that might read very tough in today's world.

On the flip side of that coin, I hope people don't see this as a reprimand on the South either.  My own personal view is that, while there is very clearly a culture gap between the north and south even to this day, (and I feel the country should split,) the way they rebelled at the time was, in my view, a mistake.  But I try to show this through the eyes of the soldiers who were there and believed in the cause, not of slavery, as they don't own any,but of having their own country.  However, because the story takes place near the end of the war, when the South was clearly beaten, I have a tendency of portraying it as a truly lost cause, so desperate they'll send their troops out at gunpoint.  This did happen, actually, but it doesn't represent the whole war, as many southerners fought fiercely and willingly for what they believed in.

I almost wrote essays at the end of the book explaining these two points at the end of the book, but I was afraid it might look too apologetic.  It may look that way here, but there aren't many people reading these blogs, so I guess it's okay.  In short, I hope people understand the intention of the book, which is not intended to be either racist nor a slam on the South, but a realistic portrayal of an ugly time that was brightened a bit by base ball.  (And yes, I'm saying it correctly.  Back then, baseball was separated into two words.)


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Independent Game Publishing

Even though I usually write about book publishing, I also creates and publish games, so it seems a good time to talk a little bit about that.  Also, sometimes it's good to have ancillary products that go with your books, which is the point behind some games coming out for Relic Worlds, including The Lost Worlds, which is due out later this year.  (Probably October.)

I first tried to go with Victory Point Games, which is a group of people I admire and enjoy.  They also asked me to work with them, so I did.  After more than a hundred hours of working with them, developing three games and testing others of theirs with them, they flaked out on me, even acted like I hadn't been working with them for a while, and it all fell apart.

So I'm developing it myself and am producing it through an independent printing site, and will be distributing it through Dice Game Depot.

Here are the sites I'm deciding between:

Superior POD

The Game Crafter

The Game Crafter is more expensive, but they also distribute it on their site.  Superior POD is less expensive, but do not distribute, although they are working on something for that.

I'm going with Superior POD because my pieces make the game too expensive with The Game Crafter.  However, their distribution center makes it attractive for future games.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

An Open Letter to The Colbert Report

I've always been a very large fan of The Colbert Report.  I typically watch the previous night's episode each morning while I eat breakfast.  (I make breakfast while watching The Daily Show.)  I always think Colbert has fantastic insights into things, but last week, I feel he got it wrong.  I explain why in this open letter to his show.  I doubt they'll ever read it; that's part of the hypocrisy I'm talking about, but I hope others will, and eventually this will change.

An Open Letter to The Colbert Report:

I never thought it would be possible for me to be angry with Colbert and his staff until I saw this episode.  I am normally a HUGE fan of Colbert.  I literally watch it every morning on the internet while I eat my breakfast, and I repost a lot of videos for others to see.  But this is one time I have to cry both “bullshit” and “hypocrisy” to the Colbert Report.

I am an author who has been using Amazon to independently publish my books.  I chose to do this because the agents and publishers I approached were typically interested in the bottom line; how much money they could make, and they barely considered the quality of the material.  They acted like the very idea of integrity was a naïve and childish ideal, and were only looking to maximize their profits.

For example, I have a book right now that I pitched to publishers, and they told me I couldn’t submit to them, I had to go through an agent.  When I went to the agents, I was told by many of them that they didn’t want it because it’s the true story of an Italian American who was a hero on the side of the law, and only stories about Italian Americans as criminals will sell in large numbers.  They even admitted that this story would sell, just not enough to make them the profits they wanted.  These agents offered me the chance to write about criminal Italian Americans, but I refused.  One non-fiction book of mine actually was with a publisher and the editor asked me to change the facts to make it more exciting and dynamic.  When I refused, I was dropped from the company.  The excuse in all of these cases is that it’s strictly a business concerned only with making money.

As such, I’ve been independently publishing so as to make better books, and they have been reviewed almost entirely with 4 and 5 stars.  They are also about subjects that are interesting to readers, such as the largest bank robbery in history, and the story which caused Stephen King to become a horror writer.  However, despite all this, shows such as The Colbert Report will not even consider having me on as a guest.  Their reason is because they have a policy against bringing guests who are “self-published.”  This is very disappointing, as it would help me, and many other first time and independent authors greatly.  But business is business, I suppose.

Now Stephen and his staff are experiencing something similar as their book is being blocked on Amazon.  Welcome to our world, Stephen.  It sucks when you’re trying real hard and a company that could help you out a great deal creates a policy that blocks you out, doesn’t it?  He, the staff, and his publisher want us to feel sorry for them, and get mad at Amazon for singling them out.  I might have some sympathy for them if they didn’t have similar policies in place that block independent authors from getting out their messages.  Amazon is trying to maximize their profits, just like the publishers, just like the agents, just like The Colbert Report.  Business is business.  If they want to criticize Amazon for that, then they need to stop doing exactly the same thing.

What really made me mad here is when he tried to pretend it wasn’t for best sellers like him and JK Rowling, but rather for the little guy, the authors just starting out with their first books.  It’s one thing to say you’re angry that you’re blocked by Amazon, Stephen and company, but don’t invoke the names of us struggling authors.  If you want to help us, remove the policy that blocks independent authors from coming on your show and make decisions based on quality rather than just who we know, and how much we’re willing to sell out.

I realize that this opens a sort of flood gate to a huge number of authors, probably more than your staff could handle; so what I would recommend is that you allow authors to send in a one paragraph, or even perhaps one sentence description of their books from which to make a list, then have an employee go through that list to find appropriate guests.

As it currently stands, your criticism of Amazon, while partially valid, is extremely hypocritical.  And it’s wrong to say it’s for us when it’s really for you.  Even if I support you on this crusade of yours, tomorrow my books will still be sold on Amazon, (who has been supportive of me and other independent authors all along,) and you still won’t even consider me as a guest on your show.

It’s very clear who’s really supporting independent authors, and those who are just getting started.

I want to close by reiterating that I love The Colbert Report, even knowing they refuse to consider having me or any independent author on the show.  I will continue to watch, and I will follow when he goes to CBS.  I hope his staff will go, too.  Even though I resent their policy of blocking independent authors, they create some of the best content on television and the web, and the show is one of the best sounding boards for reason and sanity in our country.  I hope that they will reconsider their policies on who can and cannot be considered to be guests, but in the meantime, I will continue to be a fan.

I’m just not going to take part in this very hypocritical stand they’re currently making.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars & How Hank and John Green Changed the World of Media

With the ongoing success of The Fault in Our Stars this weekend, I think it would be a good idea to analyze how John Green and his brother Hank built an empire of entertainment and a vast community through independent means.  It was, after all, this built up community that is to thank for the success of the book and the movie, so it’s something to be studied by anyone who wants to see success in the growing world.

The first thing that’s important to note, even before I go into the history of the Vlog Brothers videos, is that they grew this big not by blatantly trying to grow big, or by shamelessly marketing; and most importantly, not by seeing what had been done before and following some sort of formula.  They honestly and earnestly set out to do something that interested them, and that they thought would be good for the world.  People latched onto that and respected it, and their community grew around them.

So on to their history, which I think will one day be studied in classes around the world.  It began on January 1st, 2007 when Hank Green posted a video for his brother John Green on the relatively new site Youtube.  Neither brother was well known, had any experience in film or television, and did not live in big cities generally deemed “important.”  They were just two young brothers who decided to speak to each other solely through video.  Hank started it with this upload:

He dared John to communicate every day, and if either faltered, the other would be able to decide on a punishment.  John responded, and the two began a dialogue every day with rules that included a short length, they had to talk about something they found interesting, and not much else.  They just had to do it on a regular basis.

They called it Brotherhood 2.0, recognizing this as a sort of 21st century type of family relationship of the high tech era.  They also began calling themselves and their fans “Nerdfighters,” not after people fighting against nerds, but nerds who are fighting against problems in the world.  Their numbers were a trickle at first, though they had a few more than someone starting today as the competition was nowhere near as fierce in those early days of Youtube.

John was the first to miss a day, and Hank sent it out to the few viewers to determine his punishment.  It would not involve any sort of physical pain, except to eat something that would be very unappetizing, and he had to do it on video.  When he posted it, the views climbed, as humor and childish pranks have a tendency to get more hits.  People continued to watch because their conversations were so interesting.  Hank and John are very curious people, and each video was them trying something new out.  They’re also very creative, and many of their videos involved some trick of cinematography or editing that would make any film school professor proud.

In fact, over the year they continued to grow due to a perfect mixture of policies.  I don’t believe they knew at the time this was the perfect formula for getting views, they just did it and turned out to be right.  They are:

Consistency:  By coming out with a video every day, people could rely on them and knew to tune in to see what they were doing.  This led to the number two biggest reason for their growth…

Quantity:  By having so many videos, they littered the internet, and people couldn’t help but run into them, especially when going on Youtube.  They were able to make so many videos because they kept them:

Low Budget and Easy to Produce:  By keeping the videos as blogs where they simply spoke to the camera, they were able to do one each day.  This lent itself to speed and quantity, and that large quantity also meant they had…

Many Key Words:  Each video had to be titled something, and they always titled it after the subject of their video.  They also put whatever they were mentioning in the metadata, and the description.  Fans also said things in the comments that drew key word searches to them.  The key words were also about…

Things People Wanted to See and Hear:  The brothers talked about things that were famous and big at the time, and also things that people wanted to learn about.  So, if you put in a search about Harry Potter because you were going to see the movie, you saw their video on the Google search.  If you wanted to learn how to stack cards, you’d find their video on stacking cards in the Google search.  They did this through their…

Charm and Charisma:  This is a trait they are naturally good at, but if anyone wanted to do the same, they would need to make sure they have the same sort of friendliness and likeability that gains viewers.  Speaking of which, they…

Involved the Viewers:  They asked questions of the viewers and sparked conversations among them.  This made people feel part of the conversation, and they even referred to things people were saying, which made them feel special.  Viewers could also get through a lot of the videos because they were…

Short and to the Point:  Making one of the rules that videos had to be under four minutes made it easy to go through lots of their videos, and made it less daunting to put them on in the first place.  Plus, it made them get right to the point, which made people stay on the video once they clicked on it.  No fancy graphics or credit sequences, just the video itself.

Most importantly, they have been positive, informative, and funny, the three most important things on the internet.

After the first year was done, they had enough viewers and enough fun doing it that they continued, despite the fact that it didn’t really bring in any money.  They just enjoyed it, and it was getting a following for John’s writing career and Hank’s musical career, so why not?  Plus, they were getting a lot of good friends out of it.  So they went on to the next year.

During that second year, Hank wrote a song about Harry Potter just before the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out.  The subject was, of course, on everyone’s mind because it was a hit movie based on a hit book.  The song was short, fun, and catchy, so when people found it on Google searches when they were intending to find information about the movie, they watched him.  To make matters even better, Youtube featured the song because of the movie’s popularity.  As such, the song became a hit, and people began flooding to Hank’s videos.  This made them automatically also flood to John’s videos, even if that wasn’t their interest.

This is where fate worked perfectly in their favor.  Many of the people who had come to Hank through Harry Potter were young book fans.  John wrote books for young fans.  These people immediately became drawn to John’s books, and became curious about his latest book, which was coming out soon.  This was The Fault in Our Stars.

John not only let the community in on his writing process, but he also made them a part of it.  Comments on the book at that time were read, and he commented back.  Fans found themselves becoming a part of the process, and felt validated by it.  Most importantly, they felt invested in it.

In fact, the book itself was inspired by one of the “Nerdfighters” who herself had cancer, Esther Grace, and who died from it.  John was so moved by her life and plight that he essentially made the lead character a fictitious version of her, and even made an Esther Grace day, which is now commemorated everywhere.  In doing this, he added to the formula the most important ingredient:

Helping Others and Sharing the Spotlight:  If we’re entertainers, we want the spotlight on us.  But ironically, the best way to do that in today’s world is to shine the spotlight on someone else.  Today’s technology works on Karma, and I mean that quite literally.  It’s not just a matter of what goes around comes around, there are two basic elements that go into supporting others comes around to supporting you:
                First of all the people you support will usually support you back, or they’ll find themselves supported by no one.  The more people you support, the more people will send their viewers to you, and your numbers will grow.
                Second, part of the formula of the Google search engine is to see how many links there are to your site.  So the more you link to other sites, the more Google notices you, and the more people will come to you.

Plus, it’s just the right thing to do.

I recently learned of someone who refused to place links to other people on his site because, in his words, “I don’t want people leaving my page.”  That man’s page is very lonely.

You see links in the Vlog Brothers videos and posts ALL the time.  This is one of the key elements that has kept them popular.

But most of all, there’s the honesty and integrity.  Hollywood and New York television stations, which have controlled entertainment for more than a century, is based on lies and deceit.  They have done this because it’s worked for them in the past, but what Hollywood producers and New York executives didn’t realize is that it worked because no one had any choice.  Once piracy came along on the internet, people were very willing to do it because they felt no pity for these millionaires who had ripped them off without caring about them, and who truly felt they were more important than the general public.

Anyone wanting into the film industry, myself included, I’m afraid, flocked to these studios and many conformed to their ways to be let in past the velvet rope.  A historic moment happened in John Green’s video Hitler & Sex in 2013 when John Green actually turned down a major television network to instead focus on Youtube.  Up to that time, people used Youtube as a means to an end, placing videos up there to get the attention of studios and networks.  But with this video he said that he only wanted to do things on Youtube, and he had no interest in the exploitive networks.  Here is the video:

What the producers at studios and networks have failed to realize is that people are huge fans of the Vlog Brothers specifically because of their integrity; the very thing these Hollywood and New York producers have shed in their constant pursuit of viewers.  They don’t realize that the very thing they’ve gotten rid of is the very thing that would bring them viewers, not turn them away.  As the Vlog Brothers started more shows with higher production values, such as Crash Course and Sci Show, their viewership has increased.  Instead of going after short gains by doing ridiculous episodes on aliens and the Nazi party that catch viewers initially, they produce videos that give real information.  This does not get viewers immediately, but it keeps them over time, and slowly grows.

As such, their types of productions will continue to grow.  As they do, these same producers and executives in Hollywood and New York who were consistently short sighted in the past will scratch their heads and wonder how they lost power to these young upstarts.  They’ll blame video piracy and lack of star power, as they always do, but, like an alcoholic who refuses to admit he’s got a problem, they’ll never recognize their own faults, and will lag behind until they disappear.

Thank you, Vlog Brothers, Hank and John Green, for helping to shape entertainment into a new golden age.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Relic Worlds: Lancaster James & the Search for the Promised World Available for Free on the Kindle

It's that time; time to give away free promo copies of the book on the Kindle to give everyone a look.

I'm always wary of giving away my books for free.  After all, I spent months on them.  This particular Relic Worlds story has been in my mind since 1997.  So I'd rather get something for my efforts; after all, I promised my girlfriend a hammock and a lifetime supply of Bon Bons!

It is a bit frustrating to see mainstream books never having to go through this phase, but it's a necessity for independent books to get noticed.  I've made it a regular practice now to come out on the Kindle first, do the KDP Select program for 90 days to promote it with this free giveaway and other promotions, then do a wide release with other e-readers.

So today (May 29, 2014) to Saturday (May 31, 2014) Relic Worlds: Lancaster James and the Search for the Promised World, will be free on the Kindle at: http://www.amazon.com/Relic-Worlds-Lancaster-Search-Promised-ebook/dp/B00JSW7EBY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401383605&sr=8-1&keywords=Relic+Worlds

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Twitter versus Instagram

I’m not the best when it comes to social media.  I find it to be more or less a necessary evil.  It’s not a horrible thing really, but all things being equal, I’d rather be writing my next book and let it speak for itself than be finding things to talk about on Facebook, Twitter, or even a blog.  Even now, I had to force myself to do this before getting back to my next book.

So for the wide release launch of the first Relic Worlds novel, I’m getting a social media guru to help me.  She gave me a choice of two platforms through which she would help.  Facebook is a must, and the other can be either Twitter or Instagram.  My first thought is for Twitter, but she recommended Instagram.  She said that Instagram is more popular with young people these days.

I therefore have to consider the pros and cons of both platforms.  I’m not crazy about either of them as I’m someone who prefers to have longer, deeper conversations, which are not conducive to the brief Twitter posts, or the picture-only Instagram.  My promoter said we could post things relevant to Relic Worlds such as scientific photos and science fiction pictures.  We couldn’t do much in the real world as pictures of me would involve me in the chair in front of my computer, then me in the chair from another angle, then me with a cat on my lap, etc.

This wasn’t a bad idea, but then I got to thinking that the reason why Instagram is more popular with younger people is because many of them are more interested in images than words.  If I was doing Relic Worlds as a comic book, this would be a good idea, but I’m not.  I want to attract people who are interested in reading, in taking in words, brief or otherwise.

One of the most important things I’ve learned in marketing is that you have to market to people who may actually buy your product.  Marketing to anyone else may seem like you’re casting a wider net, but you’re really just wasting time.  It’s for this  reason that I’m probably going to go with Twitter promotions throughout July.

I’m no expert at this, though, so if anyone reading this has further insight, I would love to hear it.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

76 Places to Submit Your Free KDP Select Promotion for Your Kindle eBook - Training Authors for Success

I'm getting ready to have a second free promo for the Relic Worlds novel.  I did one that lasted 2 days, which was intended to give a free copy to loyal Relic Worlds fans, and to get copies to people who will hopefully do reviews.  The second one, lasting 3 days, is intended for the public.  It's goal is to shoot my book up the Amazon list, at least in its category, and to get people to know the series.  To me, the most important goal of this first book is to generate interest in the series.  Being that there will be plenty more books, it's more important to generate fans than to make a big profit on this first one.

I've therefore been studying blogs that list placed to list the book is free, and I came upon the following article.  I'll have to narrow it down somehow.

76 Places to Submit Your Free KDP Select Promotion for Your Kindle eBook - Training Authors for Success

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Relic Worlds Novel Free Today on Kindle through KDP Select

My latest novel, Relic Worlds: Lancaster James and theSearch for the Promised World, is now available for the Kindle on Amazon.  I had been releasing the series on Drivethru Fiction, and had even done this book as a serial there, releasing each chapter as I finished it.  As such, I was going to have the novel come out on Drivethru and all the other e-readers upon release.

However, I looked over the results of my last two books, Pro Bono and The Great Heist.  I released the former through the free on Kindle program, and even though I gave thousands of copies away for free, I sold thousands more after the promotion.  That book still sells better than any of my others.  Meanwhile, I put The Great Heist through Amazon’s other promotion program, Kindle Countdown Deal, where it is sold for a lower price for a limited time.  I had almost no luck with that, selling only a few copies during the promotion period, and it’s never taken off, despite the fact that the subject matter is even more appealing to the general public than Pro Bono.

Of course, none of the other major e-reader platforms have a good promotion program other than Drivethru, which, unfortunately, is not a site highly trafficked enough to get a huge amount of sales.  So as a result, I’m going exclusively with Amazon to give away those copies for free so hopefully those people will spread the word.

I am doing this promotion in two stages:

First promotion:  I’m making it free for two days over a weekend to give it away to all the fans of Relic Worlds and people who have been following me on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  It’s a bonus to them, and hopefully those people will begin spreading the word in time for the second promotion.

Second promotion:  About a month later, I’m making it free for three days.  I will be promoting this one far more widely.  Those areas include:  Book Bub, Pixel of Ink, Facebook sci fi sites, Google + sci fi sites, Kindle Daily, etc.  This is the one I’ll really be pushing, and trying to get people to purchase.

The intent is to generate interest while there’s still time left in the exclusive Kindle deal.  The reason this is helpful is because it maximizes the book’s exposure in one area, making it more likely to get on their top books list.  If people have multiple readers, they purchase it on Amazon, and that pushes me up the Amazon list higher.  If it was on multiple readers, the book would go more evenly up multiple lists, thus making it so the book never reaches bestseller status on any one site.

Since the other e-reader sites do not have promotions that support independent artists like Amazon does, I chose Amazon Kindle.  Simple as that.  They all bemoan Amazon for having unfair business practices, but they do that while not improving their own services for independent authors like myself; so I don’t feel too sorry for them.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Real Independent video and Film Revolution

Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of working with Geek & Sundry on their Tabletop Day Special.  It was a huge honor for me as a gamer, but more importantly, as an independent artist.  Even though this blog is intended to be about independent publishing, I’m going to talk today about independent videos on the web because it’s an important element to freelance writers, and more importantly, an important ingredient to independent publications and publicity.

When I first got into film, I wanted to be an independent artist.  I was excited about the whole idea of film festivals and private investors to make heartfelt movies by real artists.  What I found in my 20 years in the film industry was that none of this was true.  The festivals were, at best, “independent” with the word in quotation marks because, first, you couldn’t even get your movie accepted unless you had a celebrity in it, (and you could only get those celebrities in your film if you were part of the Hollywood system,) and aspiring filmmakers who tried to get into the activities of these festivals usually found themselves blocked out by red velvet ropes that separated them from the VIPs.  I found the whole process hypocritical.  There was very little difference between the “independent” scene and the studios.

There was a first internet revolution in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s.  Several production companies popped up and there was a central location for videos called iFilm.  At first, these were made up of independent artists excited about pressing the reset button to create a true independent video scene.  Unfortunately, the mentality of many of these places were the same as the studios and “independent” film places.  Some of these companies were even run by the same people.  iFilm itself put up their own red velvet rope by deciding to stop accepting videos they deemed “unworthy” and even kicked a lot of videos off.  One of my own, a short version of The Forgotten Grave, was one of them that was kicked off, even though it had won a competition within iFilm’s own company.

What really killed the first internet revolution was when major movie companies tried to create internet content.  They saw real independent work being done, and they wanted to control it, the way they had bought all the “independent” production studios in 1999 when they swept the Academy Awards.  The result of this attempted take-over was that content became stale, and the larger companies found that there wasn’t enough money in it for them.  What should have been a place for young artists to grow was hijacked by people who wanted lots of money, who then threw it away because there wasn’t enough money in it for them.  The content itself was so much like regular television that people went, why should I watch this when I have TV at a higher quality level.  (In those days, watching on the internet meant you were watching a 2 inch screen that was often jumpy and couldn’t play more than five minutes at a time.)

The second internet revolution has, of course, taken hold.  High internet speeds are given the credit, and to be fair, that is a big part of it.  No one has to watch tiny screens and there’s no time limit.  But the main credit should go to Youtube, who doesn’t believe in the red velvet rope.  Companies like iFilm screwed it up for themselves by trying to follow the studio and film festival models and being exclusionary.  Everything had to be of a certain “quality level” or have celebrities involved.  This destroys innovation and experimentation, but more importantly, it takes the power away from the audience, who should really be deciding what plays and what does not.

This has given rise to some of the greatest entertainment ever to be put on screens.  Individuals from all over the world can now innovate, and others can decide for themselves what they want to watch rather than having some stuffy executive or pertinacious film student deciding what’s “worthy.”  The concept of capitalism itself was based on the idea of competition, and that has made entertainment on the web better.

It has also made other mediums better.  The rise in quality of television shows for programs like Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and Game of Thrones is due in many ways to this rise in quality in internet entertainment.  Why?  Because the competition is rising, and television executives are realizing they now have to compete with the rest of the world, not just their fellow executives.

What this means to writers is that many more opportunities are arising for work on projects that are more artistic, experimental, and innovative.  Whether searching for work with other companies, or to create product independently, the world of visual entertainment has grown, and in favor of trying new things.  It also aids book authors as video content is always a good way to get people to look at their books.  And with programs like Hit Record, people are sharing content that can then be used to support other artists in every medium, including books, blogs, etc.

So meeting Wil Wheaton yesterday was the equivalent to me of meeting a favorite author.  His show Tabletop, though it’s about gaming and not about writing, is helping every artistic community through being innovative, independent, experimental, and supportive.  Wheaton himself would be considered a “has been” by Hollywood, but rather than letting that get him down and believing what the system says, he took his interest, something most people would consider to be unimportant, and brought it to the forefront.  He shows through his passion and sheer joy how gaming brings people together.  He shows off games by both mainstream and small companies.  Most importantly, rather than being aloof from his community, he becomes a part of it through social media.  He helps others be seen through his Tumblr page, he vlogs to people that catch his attention online, and he treats people he meets on the same level as anyone rather than acting like he’s somehow above them.  Yes, he has celebrity status, but he’s using it to shine spotlights on subjects and people around him rather than demanding million dollar paychecks and entitlements the way most people do.

The new celebrities of the internet are mostly that way.  Some of them were celebrities in film and television, such as George Takei and Joseph Gorden Levitt, but I have to give them credit as well, as they could have just stayed in the more established film and television world, but they have been willing to make less money on the internet in order to be part of this true independent revolution.  As for non-celebrities, you have people like the Green brothers and Jay and Mike at Red Letter Media who are all from the Midwest and would be overlooked in traditional medias, and you have the fantastic comedians at Screen Junkies, How it Should Have Ended, and College Humor.  And if you want gaming, there are channels that have opened up that are very much like sports, such as Tabletop, The Prince of Macedon, World of Tanks, and my own Command Combat Battle Reports.

This democratization has opened up more venues than ever for writers and artists of every genre.  I’m at last satisfied with the independent television and movie scene.

Here are a few of the shows I recommend:


Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Importance of Events

I appeared at the Lincoln Literacy Open Books, Open Doors events a couple weeks ago for their fundraiser.  I was privileged to be asked to attend, and I'm very honored that they would consider my work worthy to both have me as a guest and center their theme around.  Here is a photo of the event.  A lot of people are in 1930s garb as part of the theme, which was modeled after my book The Great Heist.

They allowed me to sell my books there, and I did, though the number of books I sold was rather small and I'll be sharing some of the profits with the foundation.  But the event is still highly profitable.

First, there is simply the fact that it's better for society that foundations such as Lincoln Literacy exists.  It helps people who are struggling with reading and trying to learn the English language to read.  (Lincoln is a major hub for refugees to go when they leave other countries.)

But in addition to being good for the community, it's also good for us writers.  First, it gives the writer credibility.  When you speak at a book selling event, you're simply selling your wares.  But when you speak at en event simply as an expert, you gain credibility.

Also, your name and your work gets out there.  These events often advertise in many locations.  Even if people don't flock to the event and purchase your book there, they will often look at who you are and will consider purchasing your work outside of it, or will at least begin following you, which turns them into future readers.

Most importantly, each person who sees you or that meets you will be able to recommend you to others.  They are all seeds that can grow into bigger and bigger plants.

The basic point here is a point you'll see me make a lot of times.  Don't think just of the immediate return.  In today's publishing world, especially in independent publishing, it's all about building a platform and getting people to know who you are.  Each time you appear at any event and get any recognition as a writer, more people know who you are and what you do, and this builds over time.  Make sure your name gets out there, and appear at every event you can in any capacity you can, because even if you just get one follower, that one person knows other people, who know other people, and as long as you keep to it, those networks will grow.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Lincoln Literacy - Open Books, Open Doors

I will be the keynote speaker at the Lincoln Literacy fundraising event Open Books, Open Doors on March 21 from 5 to 8 pm.

Lincoln Literacy is an organization which helps promote reading and literacy to people.  They provide lessons in English, and encourage reading in communities, particularly poorer ones.

One of the things I was particularly impressed with is their ticket price.  While normally they are $35 to go to the fundraising event, they provide special tickets for $15 for students and people of low income families.

There will be a costume contest, so come dressed in your best 1930s attire!

If you're near Lincoln, I highly recommend coming to this event, and helping out the Lincoln Literacy Center.
