Monday, January 5, 2015

My Big Push

This year is my big push.  One can always say that every year is their big push, and New Year resolutions are as cheap as paper and dissolve as easily, too.  But this year is a true make or break year for me.

For one thing, it marks my 20 year anniversary in southern California.  I’ll have been here longer than I’ve ever been anywhere before.  And it’s getting a bit ridiculous having struggled for so long and still not having a career.  The film career didn’t really go anywhere, (you can read more about that in my blog “Tales of a Failed Filmmaker”,) so now it’s on to the writing career.  I don’t want that to linger in the same way, so I placed a limit on it.  Succeed at writing, (or one of my other two possible careers: video producing or gaming,) or choose another career on which to live.

Don’t get me wrong.  My writing will always be there, and I’ll always have a passion for games and videos; but if, at the end of this year, I’m still having to supplement my income with a “day job,” then I will at last admit that I cannot succeed financially in any of my passions.  I know that others can, and I know that it’s possible; and I’m hoping that I will number among them as I want to be able to finish work and be done.  I’d rather not have one career job in the day, and try to cram all my passions into the evenings and weekends.  I’d rather do them during the day and have my free time be mine; with my family and friends.  But I can’t live like this forever, so I have to make things work now or surrender.

This year will tell.  This blog will follow that journey as I put my books together and try to promote them.  First up is Two Gun Hart, (about Al Capone’s long-lost brother who was a Prohibition officer in Nebraska,) which is currently in pre-order and will become available to the public March 20th.  I will be touring after that, then going on to Relic Worlds the rest of the year.  (Relic Worlds is about an anthropologist searching for long-last alien relics.)  If you follow along, you can see how it goes.  I’ll be talking about other areas of this push in my other blogs:

Jeff McArthur

Relic Worlds

Tales of a Failed Filmmaker

Command Combat

#Ambition #Author #Independentpublishing #Independentfilmmaking #Gamedesign

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