Wednesday, July 29, 2015

My Last Great Effort

With Two Gun Hart having been released, and my 4th of July promo of The American Game behind me, it's now on to promoting Relic Worlds.

This is the last great effort I will be making to try to succeed in the entertainment industry.  I tried for more than 20 years to succeed in the film industry, and have tried for about the last 5 to succeed in the book industry.  I know 5 years isn't a lot, but it's the amount of time people typically give for something to work, and it's about time I grew up and get on with life.

So it's now or never.

It's appropriate that Relic Worlds be that last effort.  Star Wars and Indiana Jones were my two earliest influences into storytelling, and this series is a combination of those two giants in my mind.  So if it is to be my last big project, there couldn't be a better one.

This doesn't mean that if it fails, I'm going to stop writing and doing projects all together.  First of all, I have two other efforts pushing forward.  I'm publishing a couple games, and I have my Command Combat Battle Reports show on Youtube.  If either of those succeed, I'll be able to make them my day job, and writing will go right along with them.

But if all of them fail, (fail meaning I can't make enough to earn a regular living,) then I'll just have to put more time into having a regular career, and my writing and video making will all take a backseat.  I'll always do them, but at a slower pace.

And by the way, it's not that my earlier projects failed.  It's just that they make enough money to be side projects, not enough to pay rent and bills.  Two Gun Hart was a particular surprise.  I expected that to be a big national story and even reach a bestseller list, like the New York Times, or something like that.  Disappointingly, the media has ignored it.  NPR, which I particularly had faith in, never even responded.  (Well, one show responded to say they weren't interested in that, but possibly in another story of mine.  He sent me a sample of an earlier show that I should strive for, one in which a person goes to see a psychic and believes he's being followed by the ghost of a celebrity.  Yeah, I should strive to that rather than an Italian-American hero who broke from his family and the stereotypes.)

I now have more faith in Relic Worlds because it does not depend on the standard media which follows trends rather than logic.  I have control over how much it gets out there through social media and online communities.  I just have to get good at that.  As an introvert, that is a daunting task, but one I will have to work on to make a career out of all of this.

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