Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Star Wars 2.0

We all had problems with the Star Wars prequels.  The reason for the passion is because of the extreme potential that was lost.  There could have been so much to it, and they could have been some of the best movies ever made, but the opportunity got wasted.

But rather than just complaining about them, I choose to do my own version of them; what I believe could have made them great.  I set out to write them a couple years ago, and got several chapters into the first story when I ran out of time to write them.  I felt bad about dropping this story as I had gained a few fans.  But it turned out to be a blessing because when I saw Rogue One, I had a whole different vision.  I call it Star Wars 2.0.

Initially, I was writing the prequels as episodes 1-3 and was finding ways to sort of dodge around revealing Anakin as Luke's father to preserve the surprise for Empire Strikes Back.  But I happened to see some old interviews where some of the actors from the original series talked about how the movie after Empire was supposed to be a flashback to the prequels.  Having learned that, and seeing how good Rogue One worked as a precursor to the original, I determined to follow this pattern:

Episode 1 - Rogue One
Episode 2 - A New Hope
Episode 3 - The Empire Strikes Back.

Then my story, episode 4, begins as a flashback.  We spend the next 3 episodes learning about Vader's past and the fall of the Jedi.  It's mostly a story of two brothers, Anakin and Owen; both of whom have the force, but one has turned away because he knows how much damage he could do, and the other has joined the Jedi order despite the danger.

Finally, episodes 7-9 will come back to the present and it will present the Rebellion's strike back at the Empire, and the fall of it.  Instead of the Death Star being rebuilt, the rebels will go after the clone facilities, and try to kill the emperor.

Below are the prologue and chapter 1.  Chapter 2 should come out tomorrow, or soon after.

Star Wars 2.0 - Episode 4 - Prologue

Star Wars 2.0 - Episode 4 - Chapter 1

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