Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Long List of Projects

I have a problem.  And that problem is that I have too many interests and too many projects I want to do.  I also have a panicked sense of mortality.  Realizing that we all only have so much time to live, I have a constant sense of a clock ticking down.  I feel like a ship that's sinking, and every story, every invention, every game, every character I will ever create, is a passenger on that ship.  And once I go beneath the waves, it'll be over.  I feel responsible for all of them, and I feel a need to get them all out.

With self-publishing and print on demand allowing me to make these ideas a reality, they are all flowing out, and I'm overwhelmed with self-imposed responsibilities.  This year, the number of projects I'm working on have sneaked up on me, and I'm having to come to terms with just how much I've put on my shoulders.

Here's the list of projects I'm trying to get done this year:

Wanted, Foul, and Worthy (The Relic Worlds novella)
Tales and Lives of the Vietnam War (My non-fiction book)
A Borrowed Life (The novel about my cousin in the '80s)
Pitch a non-fiction book for traditional publication
Write the next part of my Star Wars fan fiction (The size of a novella)
RPG Storytime "Star Wars" (A huge series of videos)
Catch up on a bunch of the gaming videos from before
Create a Relic Worlds RPG
Start two podcasts: Relic Worlds and Bandwagon Games
Make Command Combat: Civil War 2nd edition
Go after writing and directing agents

All that on top of the regular promotions I'm doing for what I've already made.  Hopefully 2019 will turn out to be a productive year.

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