Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Writing for Podcasts

This year I finally conformed and jumped into the crowded pool called podcasting.  I wasn't going to as I've got enough pots on the artistic fires that aren't paying anything.  As it is, I'm having difficulty getting people to watch my Youtube shows and read my books, so why should a podcast change anything?  Won't it just add to my already over-saturated promotion schedule?

Well, yes.  However, until I find that sweet spot of media of which people will consume my stories, I am constantly on the search.  And I have noticed that people more often listen to new things in podcasts than they do anywhere else.  Movie studios and major publishers only seem interested in rebooting older products, and Youtube seems obsessed with commenting on those rebooted movies.  But podcasts are often filled with original, new material.

People seem to be more willing to try something new while they're driving during their commutes, or at work.  I used to think they'd try watching my videos at work because studies have shown a tendency for people to consume social media while there.  However, what I didn't take into consideration is that my videos are often around 20 minutes and sometimes longer.  People can't take a break for that long.  The videos they watch are usually about five minutes maximum.

As for my books, I've been trying to send out free short stories on Facebook and push promotions on Amazon.  This has been met with limited success as people want to spend their free time on things they trust.

So it seems the commute is the time to present something new; something they'll try while they're bored, because no matter how bad it is, it beats waiting in traffic.  And so I'll be recording my Relic Worlds short stories since I was giving them away anyway, and in so doing I'll see what might need to be rewritten.  I'll also be re-recording the narration for RPG Storytime, having to describe things a little more since I won't have visuals.  But it should be interesting.  I'm looking forward to seeing how it all goes; and I'm hoping it's at least a little more successful than my previous endeavors.

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