Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Coming Up for Relic Worlds

Now that book 4 is out there, I’m looking ahead to what’s next for Relic Worlds.  There are 9 stories total in this main storyline, which means there are five more books to come.  (I can’t believe I’m not even halfway done!)

The overall structure was inspired by George Lucas’s idea of having 9 stories in the main storyline with 3 separate arcs.  Star Wars has a more obvious break between each group of stories, having 20 years and 30 years between them respectively, (that is, if you count the sequels, which I don’t.  I’m just using it here as an example.)

In Relic Worlds, the separation is thematic.  Books 1-3 are about Lancaster finding disjointed artifacts and trying to understand what they mean.  They’re more episodic in nature.  Books 4-6 are about the growing war between the corporate baronies while Lancaster gets on the track of what caused alien life to disappear.  Books 7-9 will deal with that answer, and what humanity will have to do to survive.

The short stories in between will deal with what’s happening at that time, and there will be stories even told by people who play the role playing game.  More on that coming up.

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