Monday, May 18, 2015

Gearing Up for Command Combat Battle Reports

Those who found my blog from me being an author probably don't know that I run a Youtube channel that involves wargaming.  This would especially come as a surprise to those who know how much I believe in trying to avoid war.  It is, truly, the most horrendous thing invented by man.

However, my biggest hobby has been gaming of all sorts, regardless of whether it's miniature gaming, board gaming, or computer gaming.  I enjoy relaxing with a game far more than watching something, as it occupies my mind more than any show or movie.  It also brings people together and gives them something with which to interact rather than having the same long conversations about the same topics they've gone over time and time again.

I wound up making my channel about war gaming specifically not because they hold a higher spot in my mind than other games, but as a sort of fluke.  I invented a miniatures game called Command Combat: Civil War, and I intended to promote it by taping some games and placing them on Youtube to show what it's like.  When no one watched, I taped a battle report of Flames of War.  Jamie and I recorded it together and treated it like a football game.  The episode got picked up by the makers of Flames of War, and pretty soon we were getting tons of views, and the show was becoming successful.

So I continued it and stayed with the theme.  Over the last few years I've refined it, and found that I'm really onto something.  This year I'm going to have seven shows, one for each day of the week, for three months.  It will cover board games, miniature games, computer games, how to videos, reenactments using miniatures, and even a live action show with historians doing gladiator combat, (with dulled weapons, of course.)

This is the one year I'm going to do this.  I need to find out if this is going to work as a series.  If it gets enough views, or if the show gets picked up by something like Geek & Sundry or Wargames Illustrated, then I can continue.  But if it only gets a few views per video, I just won't have the time for it anymore.  I'm off to start taping these games,so let's hope for the best.

Happy gaming everybody!

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