Monday, May 25, 2015

My Varying Interests

Perhaps my biggest benefit is also my biggest drawback, my varying interests.  I've always had a wide array of likes and hobbies.  I can never settle on just one thing; it makes me restless.  This is also one of the main reasons I'm a storyteller; I always want to jump to another world.  Had I chosen a different profession I would be stuck in one world.  Speaking of telling stories, I've never understood the concept of always writing in one genre.  It feels like when one does that, they're taking away the greatest benefit of writing.  I know it's better for building a platform and making more money, but I would feel so trapped if I did that.

But I digress.  I was speaking of my interests, and I have recently narrowed them down to three basic categories:

Game design

Thanks to the wonders of self-publishing, Youtube, and print on demand, I'm able to do all three.  This has, in a way, caused a problem for me.  You see, for years, I was trying to pitch projects in all three of these categories to those who could make them a reality.  I got turned down so much that I have a huge backlog of projects.  Ever since self-publishing in all three categories came out, I've been doing them myself.  And the floodgates have flown wide open, overwhelming me with the ability to make whatever I want and get it to the public.

The problem is the irritating finite of time... and the fact that I need to sleep, and do a job that brings in enough money to live.  Plus, and this is a big one, I need to promote the projects so I'm not just whistling in the dark.

And so I have had to organize these into specific projects set for specific times.

Writing includes the two books I'm putting together this year along with the short stories for Relic Worlds, plus the promotions for the past titles.  The books I'm making this year are coming out at the beginning of the year and end of the year, while the promotions will be scattered throughout.

Filmmaking has become the gaming channel I have on Youtube called Command Combat Battle Reports, as well as a show I have that supports Relic Worlds that centers around geocaching.  These are fitting in during the middle of the year.

Games would include a wide host of games I've invented, but since I'm short on time and this is the lowest priority, it's centered around finishing Command Combat: Civil War, which I started years ago, and games that support the promotion of Relic Worlds.  These are being done sort of around the center and end of the year.

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